Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage
What is Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage?
This massage technique is a full-body treatment that thrusts the lymphatic system into gear, working to flush excess fluids and toxins from the body. This action results in a decrease in bloating, digestive issues, swelling, viruses and other unwanted bacteria, lactic acid buildup, and yields incredible results for post-surgery patients and those with Lymphedema. Many of our clients also achieve visual results, with a decrease in bloating and an overall slimmer, tighter appearance.
who can have this treatment?
Most people can have a Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage. However, there are some exclusions. Certain conditions may deem one unfit for this massage. A doctor’s note may be accepted, so please contact us prior to booking if you fall into any of the below categories:
1st trimester pregnancy
those with active cancer
thrombosis/blood clots
kidney/liver issues or diseases
have a cold or feeling sick
undiagnosed body lumps & bumps
history of stroke
How often should i come for treatment?
This question is asked often, and the answer can vary! We have clients that come once a week, once every 2 weeks, and once a month. It all depends on how you feel, how you want to feel, and your individual lifestyle. We recommend coming at least once per month to have any ongoing effects, as our lymphatic systems don’t move on their own- we need to act to put it into motion.
WHat should i do before + AFter treatment?
Great question! Prior to your massage, we ask that you hydrate yourself. For most, this means drinking more water than usual. Chugging/gulping water is not recommended as it can make you feel heavy and bloated during your massage. We also recommend that any meals you have before your session be light.
After your massage, keep hydrating yourself- lymphatic massages tend to dehydrate, so you will need to combat this in order to allow the best results from the massage. Avoiding alcohol and greasy, salty foods for 24-48 hours post-massage is recommended, as these will only halt the flushing of your lymphatic system.